Someone recently asked me what I meant by that: radical kindness. I had to think for a moment. How to articulate something that’s been a cornerstone in my life - giving and receiving it.

It’s just everywhere, as intuitive as breathing. And more so now than ever. In the beautiful folks who populate my life: my amazing daughter Lotus - strong, smart and full of goodness, my family, friends who make me laugh like a hyena and think differently, and some others… It’s in the compassion of my community of artists - banding together to respond to the world around us and help out. Trout Lake neighbours and all of us early morning runners. East fuckin’ Van. It’s in the food I respectfully and thoughtfully grow on unceded, stolen Coast Salish territory, for my family and friends, at the Cedar Cottage Community Garden guerrilla field, and the micro-farm I established at the Progress Lab Greenbelt, to feed the artists and their families, who create and commune there. Learning it by doing it, for the long game plan (gratitude to my community of growers, BC Eco Seed Co-op, UBC farm, Permaculture Women, Leah Penniman & Soul Fire Farm - for showing me a different way). It’s definitely in my honeybee colonies on the rooftop paradise apiary at The Vancouver East Cultural Centre - 3 years in, and with every season that passes, they’re teaching me to be more intuitive and holistic about caring for them (big thanks to The Cultch, Richmond Beekeepers Association, BC Bee Supply, Laura Wallace’s hands and heart). It’s in the work we create as artists - stories to share with the community. In the things I fight for, tooth and nail, shoulder to shoulder with others - giving before we take, sharing the wealth, decolonizing, reconciling (not simply acknowledging - we’re waaay past that), actively practicing anti-racism and allyship. In my choice to experience human connections through my 5 senses, not social media. To live and love, eyeball to eyeball. And it’s in the gentle humility I feel about all the things I have yet to learn. Radical kindness. The only way to go.

Recent and upcoming:

Hagmouth - in development with Lois Anderson. Grateful for tons of support for this new eco-site-specific project: Boca del Lupo (SLaM Research and Development grant), The Narrows Art Retreat (in residence), The Electric Company/Progress Lab, The Arts Factory.

An Undeveloped Sound - workshopping Jonathon Young’s incredible new play. Produced by The Electric Company/SFU/PUSH Festival. World premiere 2023.

Yellowjackets - Recurring role. Produced by Showtime network.

Union of BC Performers - Mentorship program.

Vancouver Film School - Acting instructor: ‘Return to Impulse’ intensive.

LOVEBOWL - rides again! My first community long-table dinner since the pandemic hit - so looking forward to getting back to cooking for folks around a big ass table. A collaboration with Elia Kirby and The Arts Factory, in support of re-establishing the town of Lytton, BC. Labour Day weekend.

Quarto Magazine - guest curating the September 2021 edition for the Caravan Farm Theatre.

Radically. Kindly.